How I'm Honoring Ancient Wisdom as I Enter Motherhood

I sit here writing this to you, arms stretched long to reach my computer over a round, 9-month pregnant belly.

I am preparing for one of the biggest transitions in my life, and I want to share with you the source of wisdom I've been drawing from, as it echoes exactly what Heirloom Food Project is all about.

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A Creative Solution to Dairy’s Hidden Casualty: Selma Jensen’s ‘Young Bulls’

Selma Jensen picks me up from the train station in a white two-door Fiat. She's just come from the apartment she shares with roommates in the city of Copenhagen, Denmark. Her blond hair blows in the wind, and her lacy black shirt reveals a couple of tattoos. At 28 years old, Jensen is a skilled farmer with a degree in agriculture. But she's pursuing a concept they didn't teach in school.

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