Sandwiches Are Only Limited by Imagination

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This illustration is part of my Collective Food Wisdom series, for which I asked people across different languages and cultures to share a nugget of food wisdom or advice they’ve received that they continue to carry with them in their kitchen, garden, or life. 

This piece of advice was given as part of a community potluck for a class I taught called The Power of Food. If you, the author, are reading this—thank you for contributing!

This fun little nugget of wisdom called out to me, as I continue to learn, adopt, and share Danish food traditions. The particular tradition depicted is called smørrebrød—open-face sandwiches that consist of toppings piled atop dense, dark rye bread and eaten with knife and fork.

Every time it's on the menu, families will pull all of the relevant accompaniments from the fridge and cupboards, and lay them out on the (typically, lunch) table. You as the diner spend the meal composing your favorite combinations of ingredients within the constraints of the rye rectangle.

It offers a creative break in the day—one that uses sandwiches to stretch the imagination. And I didn't appreciate it enough until this piece of advice prompted the thought.

To sink your teeth into more Collective Food Wisdom, and perhaps even hang a reminder of it in your own kitchen, head on over to my shop. Sometimes I sell the originals, too, so make sure you're signed up for my monthly inspiration email to be notified next time they go on sale, and you can snag your favorite.